Описание сервера

[EU] THC Rusty x2 Vanilla+MonthlyWipe [Solo/Duo/Trio|KITS|TP]

[EU] THC Rusty x2 Vanilla+MonthlyWipe [Solo/Duo/Trio|KITS|TP]
Игра: rust
Версия: 2275
Тип: Лицензионный сервер
Карта: Procedural Map
Размер карты: 4250
Сайт: https://eurustythc.gamestores.ru/#/page/12
Владелец: u_vusecite  (Это не вы?)
Обновлен: Нет информации
Добавлен: 07.07.2020 17:16
Страна:   (Denmark)
Рейтинг: 0
Управление сервером


Monthly Wipe.
3X Gathering: allows for quick resource gain and saves you time.
2x Sulfur: limits the excessive crafting of explosives.
Low Decay: Bases decay 50% slower than vanilla.
Enhanced loot tables: More loot and better drops!
Starter kits: to get you off your feet.
Remove tool: Remove building blocks at any time.
furnace splitter, fast craft, fast smelt and many other cool mods are available!
Active Admin and staff: Toxic players, tryhards, griefers and hackers will be banned without warning.

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